JUDICIARY Latest Features

Children Urged to Become Better Citizens
(Standing) HW Festo Nsenga, Deputy Registrar Criminal Division

On Friday August 4,2023 more than 120 pupils from Mt Sinai Primary School, Makindye together with their teachers visited the Judiciary Headquarters, Kampala. 

During the tour, they were encouraged to work hard and become better citizens and fight lawlessness society. The pupils were taken on a guided tour around the court premises. They were also able to attend a live court session presided over by Hon. Lady Justice Margret Mutonyi. 

They were also taken through the court hierarchy and court processes by Ms Halimah Kaggwa, Senior Communications Officer. 

This included the titles of the different officials and their roles in a court setting. 

This was followed by a practical demonstration of a courtroom setting by HW Festo Nsenga, the Deputy Registrar Criminal Division. Here, some pupils were able to role play as Judges, clerks, advocates and witnesses.

The vividly excited pupils thanked HW Nsenga and said they would work towards joining the legal profession.

Posted 4th, August 2023
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